SN30505 is a two player unit recently purchased by Jimmy Rosen of

Jimmy found this unit at a Hershey show from an owner who had the machine since it was new. According to Jimmy, the unit spent some location time in Gettysburg, PA in the early years but for most of its life, it's been in storage. Runs perfectly apparantly.

The first image Jimmy sent me was of the Hershey show itself and I could not clearly see the Computer Space machine at first. I was beginning to feel like I was playing some odd form of "Where's Waldo" but finally located the machine. Can you find it?

Jimmy has since moved the Computer Space into his arcade along with a number of other antiques. I think they go very well together.

Speaking of Where's Waldo, a recent April Fool website posting regarding another arcade game also has Waldo hidden in one of its screen shots. Have a look at the gag here and see if you can spot him.